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About this site

This site is dedicated to the fees issues within the higher education sector and in particular its impact at Nelson  Mandela University.


We’re building a database of volunteers – staff and members of the community - who are committed to helping our students complete their 2016 academic year.

If you would like to become part of the solution, please complete the accompanying online form.



The rapid rise of disruptive technologies is changing the way that we live, work, communicate and relate to each other – but how is South Africa shaping up in this brave new world?
Lions, elephants, cheetah, leopards, zebra, black wildebeest and blesbuck, all form part of the diverse and challenging projects of four Zoology students, who all graduated with their MSc cum laude at Mandela University’s recent autumn graduation.
A group of local and international guests is visiting George Campus for a two-week long Forest21 student project. This project brings together students from various disciplines across four universities: Nelson Mandela University, as the host, the University of Venda, Stellenbosch University, and Hame University of Applied Sciences, from Finland. 

A hush temporarily broke the ululation and celebrations at the Nelson Mandela University’s Madibaz Indoor Centre as the uncle of a deceased student was called up to collect their certificate posthumously.


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